西元1952年,總統選舉的場面第一次透過電視進行全國轉播。大眾持續在電視前觀看選舉的最新動態,而電視也成為民眾取得最多資訊的媒體。在電視發明之前,收聽政治演講的工具是收音機。凱文‧柯立芝 (Calvin
Coolidge) 在1924年時曾經使用過廣播發表演說,從1933年至1945年擔任總統的法蘭克林‧羅斯福 (Franklin
Roosevelt) 透過廣播的方式,以「爐邊談話」 (fireside
chats) 緊緊抓住美國人的注意力。儘管有許多批評指出電視增加了競選經費的支出,但是無庸置疑,電視轉播讓大眾能夠看見總統選舉的辯論,也成為相當重要的一項工具角色。你有沒有看過任何政治辯論呢?
In 1952, the presidential campaign was televised nationwide for the first time. The public avidly followed the television coverage of the campaign, rating television as the most informative of the media available to them. Before television, radio was used to broadcast political speeches. Calvin Coolidge used this technology in 1924, and Franklin Roosevelt, who was president from 1933 until 1945, captured the attention of Americans through his radio-broadcast "fireside chats." Despite criticism that television increases the cost of political campaigns, it plays an important role in bringing presidential debates to the people. Have you watched any political debates?
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