

你有沒有在電視上看過任何有關選舉的報導呢?西元1960年10月21日,美國觀眾坐在電視前觀看共和黨副總統理查‧尼克森 (Richard
. Nixon) 與民主黨總統候選人,也是參議員的約翰‧甘迺迪 (John
F. Kennedy) 兩人之間的第四場,也是最後一場的辯論。他們的第一場辯論是在一個月之前,主要辯論議題是國內問題。第二場與第三場辯論是問答的方式,由發問人提問,候選人回答問題。第三場辯論是透過電視科技的方式來進行,這是完全嶄新的一種方式。
Do you watch any election coverage on TV? On October 21, 1960, American viewers were riveted to their television sets for the broadcast of the fourth and final debate between Vice President Richard M. Nixon, the Republican presidential candidate, and Senator John F. Kennedy, the Democratic candidate. Their first debate, a month earlier, had covered domestic issues. The second and third debates featured a news panel asking the candidates questions. The third debate also used television technology in a completely new way.
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