
芝加哥觀眾對瑪麗安‧安德森的表演感到如癡如醉 (攝於1941年)

瑪麗安‧安德森 (Marian
Anderson) 在大都會歌劇院 (Metropolitan
Opera) 登台表演:1955年1月7日
或許你也和瑪麗安‧安德森一樣有個需要花很多心力才能實現的夢想。其他歌手,例如盲人歌手 (作曲者) 史帝夫‧汪達 (Stevie
Wonder) 也是通過許多挑戰才實踐自己的夢想。瑪麗安‧安德森在一生中得到許多的獎項與榮耀,包括在1986年因為卓越美妙的歌聲,以及努力打破非裔美籍表演家的膚色障礙之成就而榮獲的美國國家藝術獎章 (U.S.
National Arts Medal) 。
Anderson had a remarkable career, appearing in concerts and recitals across the U.S. and in Europe. One orchestra conductor remarked that "a voice like hers comes only once in a century."
Perhaps, like Marian Anderson, you have a dream that will take much determination to make a reality. Other singers, such as the blind singer-songwriter Stevie Wonder, have also made their dreams come true despite challenges. Marian Anderson received many awards and honors throughout her life, including the U.S. National Arts Medal in 1986, which she won for her magnificent singing and for helping to break the color barrier for African American performers.
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