瑪麗安‧安德森 (Marian
Anderson) 在大都會歌劇院 (Metropolitan
Opera) 登台表演:1955年1月7日
瑪麗安‧安德森在十多歲的時候就在賓州費城打工賺取微薄的薪資,以負擔歌唱課程的費用。你知道她曾經夢想在紐約的大都會歌劇院表演嗎?如果她真的辦到了,那麼來自家庭與社會上對她的支持,肯定是她夢想成真的最大因素。西元1955年1月7日,安德森成為第一個登上美國最負盛名的大都會歌劇院表演的非裔美籍人士。安德森在朱瑟貝‧威爾第 (Giuseppe
Verdi) 所寫的歌劇假面舞會 (Un
Ballo in Maschera) 中扮演一位算命師。
As a teenager, Marian
Anderson worked at low-paying jobs in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in order to earn money for her singing lessons. Do you think she ever dreamed of performing at the Metropolitan Opera ("the Met") in New York City? If she did, the support of her family and community helped make that dream become a reality. On January 7, 1955, she became the first African American to perform at the Met, America's most highly esteemed opera house. Anderson sang the role of a fortuneteller in an opera by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi, called Un Ballo in Maschera ("A Masked Ball").
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