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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
Greeting President Wilson
5萬名群眾在加州聖地牙哥的一個體育場歡迎威爾遜總統 (攝於1919919日)

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President Wilson on the campaign trail trying to raise support for the League of Nations

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1919628日簽訂的凡爾賽條約 (Treaty of Versailles) 為第一次世界大戰劃上句點

凡爾賽條約對德國施加了相當多嚴格的限制,包括限制德國軍隊只能有10萬人等。而反對這項條約的威爾遜總統也發表他自己的和解宣言,也就是著名的十四點原則 (Fourteen Points) 。十四點原則中包括設立「國家聯盟」 (League of Nations) 的組織來預防戰爭罪行的出現。威爾遜也同意合約的所有條件都必須要公開的談判。但是條約的實際條款卻使協約國能夠秘密分配德國的領土。許多歷史學家相信這是導致第二次世界大戰爆發的主要原因。

The Treaty of Versailles imposed very rigid restrictions against Germany, including limiting its army to 100,000 members. President Wilson, who opposed the treaty, had developed his own form of reconciliation, called the "Fourteen Points." The Points included a provision for a League of Nations to prevent "the crime of war." Wilson also wanted all terms of settlement to be openly negotiated. But the actual terms of the treaty included secret arrangements for distribution of conquered German territories among the Allied Nations. Many historians believe these terms eventually led to World War II.
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CREDIT: Tunnell, O.A., photographer. "50,000 People Greeting President Wilson at Stadium, San Diego, California, September 19, 1919." Taking the Long View: Panoramic Photographs, 1851-1991, American Memory collections, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Baker, Newton Diehl, speaker. "On League of Nations." Circa. 1919-1920. American Leaders Speak: Recordings from World War I and the 1920 Election, American Memory Collections, Library of Congress.