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Jump Back in Time 第一次世界大戰與爵士時代  (1914-1928)
'Two Hundred.'
女性保齡球員在1902年在黑板上登記她們的分數 (滿分是300分)

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保齡球王唐恩‧卡特 (Don Carter) 出生於1926729

西元1895年,紐約市的保齡球員組成了「美國保齡球協會」 (American Bowling CongressABC) ,並且制訂了保齡球的比賽規則。西元1901年,協會開始舉辦全國巡迴比賽。而「女性國際保齡球協會」 (Women』s International Bowling CongressWIBC) 則在1916年成立。科技的進步,例如引進硬性軟質球 (1904) 以及自動擺放球瓶機器的發明 (1950年代早期) ,都使保齡球越來越受歡迎。當唐恩卡特在1960年代達到他的運動顛峰時,保齡球也成為最受歡迎的運動。後來,許多人也組成保齡球球隊,並參加職業巡迴球賽,電視也會轉播比賽。現在,估計美國約有6千萬人一年會打好幾次保齡球,但是這項運動卻沒有像過去那麼受歡迎了。有些人認為職業保齡球會再受到歡迎,你覺得呢?

In 1895, bowlers in New York City organized the American Bowling Congress (ABC) and set down rules. In 1901 they started national tournaments. The Women's International Bowling Congress (WIBC) formed in 1916. Technological advances such as the introduction of the hard rubber ball in 1904 and the development of the automatic pin-setting machine in the early 1950s made bowling more popular than ever. League bowling peaked in the mid-1960s, when Don Carter was at the peak of his game. Then, many people were on bowling teams and professional tournaments were broadcast on TV. Today, an estimated 60 million people bowl several times a year in the U.S., but the sport is not as popular as it once was. Some say professional bowling will make a comeback as a broadcast and spectator sport. What do you think?
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