
這張1892年的火車地圖顯示這條柏林頓與昆溪 (Burlington & Quency) 的鐵道路線,以及新的時區設置

當美國海軍氣象台設立的格林威治標準時間 (Greenwich
Mean Time,GMT) 通過電報方式傳送到各地後,主要城市的政府與鐵路管理員就同步調整該地的時間。在美國與加拿大各地,人們把時鐘與手錶的時間調整到符合他們居住地的時區的時間。很快的,因為許多不同時間標準所造成的困擾被解決了。
As Greenwich Mean Time (the official time used by the U. S. Naval Observatory) was transmitted by telegraph, authorities in major cities and managers of the railroads reset their clocks. All over the United States and Canada, people changed their clocks and watches to match the time for the zone they lived in. Quickly, the confusion caused by the many different standards of time was resolved.
What time zone do you live in?
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