
世界級的運動員吉姆‧索普 (Jim
Thorpe) 於1888年5月28日出生
美式足球當時並沒有和職業棒球一樣受到歡迎,但是索普卻使這項運動成為大家喜愛的運動,並且成為美國職業足球協會 (American Professional Football Association) ,也就是現在的國家足球聯盟 (National Football League,NFL) 的第一任執行長。不過,當他的職業球員生涯結束時,索普的生活也因為經濟大蕭條而陷入困境。他做過各種不同的工作,但是卻仍然買不起欣賞1932年洛杉磯奧運會比賽的門票。當總統邀請他一同坐在總統包廂欣賞比賽時,現場有10萬5千名觀眾為他歡呼。索普去世之後,國際奧運委員會才承認他的成就,並且重新頒發獎牌給索普的子女,並且在奧運會記錄中再次登錄他的名字。你還知道哪些身兼多種運動選手的人呢?問問你的家人,看看他們有沒有聽過吉姆‧索普。
Football was not as popular as baseball back then, but Thorpe helped make it the wildly popular sport it is today and became the first president of the new American Professional Football Association (later the National Football League--NFL). As his professional sports career drew to a close, the Depression proved a hard time for Thorpe. He held a variety of jobs, but he could not afford to buy a ticket to the 1932 Olympic games. When he was invited to sit in the presidential box, a crowd of 105,000 stood to cheer him. After his death, Thorpe was also given back his Olympic medals and his name was reentered into the record books. Can you name other multiple-sports stars? Ask your family if they have heard of Jim Thorpe.
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