

世界級的運動員吉姆‧索普 (Jim
Thorpe) 於1888年5月28日出生
你會很多種運動嗎?如果你佩服迪昂‧山德斯 (Deion Sanders) 這種棒足兩棲的運動員,你一定要見一下世界級的運動員:吉姆‧索普。
索普是一個美國原住民,對於每一種運動都相當在行。索普於1888年5月28日出生於印第安人領土 (現在的奧克拉荷馬) 的一間一房小木屋裡,他在1950年時被美國運動作家與廣播人員評選為半世紀以來最偉大的美國運動員。身為一個印第安戰士與運動員的曾曾孫,索普進入賓州的卡力索印第安人工業學校 (Carlisle Indian Industrial School) 就讀。在1909年時,索普曾加入一支小聯盟棒球隊,後來他回到學校,除了重新加入學校的足球、棒球,以及籃球隊外,他也為了1912年參加斯德哥爾摩奧林匹克運動會 (Stockholm Olympics) 進行訓練。你知道他是怎麼辦到的嗎?
Do you play multiple sports? If you admire great athletes like Deion Sanders that do, meet world-class athlete Jim Thorpe.
Thorpe was a Native American who excelled at every sport he ever played. Born in a one-room cabin in Indian Territory (present-day Oklahoma) on May 28, 1888, Thorpe was named the greatest football player and the greatest American athlete of the first half of the century by American sports writers and broadcasters in 1950. The great-great-grandson of an Indian warrior and athlete, Thorpe attended the Carlisle Indian Industrial School in Pennsylvania. In 1909, he left school to play baseball for two years before returning to play football, baseball, and basketball, and train for the 1912 Stockholm Olympics in track. How do you think he did?
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