蘇珊‧安東尼 (Susan
B. Anthony) 支持婦女投票權修正案:1884年3月8日
直到1919年,國會才投票決定要求政府考慮修改憲法,賦予婦女投票權。後來這項第19項修正案在1920年8月26日才得到通過,也被稱為是「安東尼修正案」 (Anthony
Amendment) ,以紀念早在1906年就已經去世的蘇珊‧安東尼。與蘇珊‧安東尼抱持同樣理念的婦女,花了超過70年的時間才爭取到男性在選舉日一同投票的權利。
It wasn't until 1919 that Congress voted to direct the states to consider ratifying a constitutional amendment to allow women to vote. Nicknamed the "Anthony Amendment" in honor of the leader who had died in 1906, the Nineteenth Amendment was ratified on August 26, 1920. For more than 70 years, women like Susan B. Anthony fought for women's right to vote alongside men on Election Day.
Can you imagine an election in which your dad could vote but your mom couldn't?
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