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Jump Back in Time 鍍金時代  (1878-1889)


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夏威夷 (Hawaii) :18891116

一開始生意並沒有很好,但是就像迪林漢預測的一樣,鐵路的發展刺激了新工業的成長。到了1900年代初期,鐵道路線已經涵蓋160英里長,並且連接了一些製糖農莊、鳳梨園,以及廣受旅客歡迎的哈雷瓦飯店 (Haleiwa Hotel) 。第二次世界大戰結束之後,卡車開始成為當地農業的交通工具,最後鐵路也終於停止營運了。但是迪林漢卻已經實現了他的夢想。

At first, business was slow, but, as Dillingham predicted, the railway spurred the growth of new industry. By the early 1900s, the railway covered 160 miles serving several sugar plantations, pineapple farms, and the popular Haleiwa Hotel for tourists. After World War II, trucks began taking over transportation for agricultural business, and eventually the railway shut down. But Dillingham had made his dream a reality.
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