1852的9月5日是美國的第一個勞工節 (Labor
如果你可以創造一個節日,你想把這個節日取什麼名字?你會選擇哪一個日子?彼得‧馬奎爾 (Peter J. McGuire) 是一個木工,也是工會的領袖,他想到這個勞工節的點子。他認為美國工人應該要有屬於自己的節日,以表揚他們的努力。他在1882年初向紐約中央勞工聯盟 (Central Labor Union) 提出這個建議,而聯盟也認為這是一個好主意。因為獨立紀念日與感恩節之間有四個月之久,所以彼得建議勞工的節日應該設在這兩個節日中間。但是他們要挑哪一天呢?
If you could create a holiday, what would it be called? What date would you choose for your holiday? Peter J. McGuire, a carpenter and labor union leader, was the person who came up with the idea for Labor Day. He thought American workers should be honored with their own day. He proposed his idea to New York's Central Labor Union early in 1882, and they thought the holiday was a good idea, too. With four long months between Independence Day and Thanksgiving, Peter suggested a month halfway in between. But what date should they choose?
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