在1933年時,美國政府設立了田納西流域管理局 (Tennessee Valley Authority,TVA) ,負責管理田納西河谷的水力發電。管理局在當地建築水壩,負責洪水管理,以及土壤保存計畫等工作。而該區域的經濟也因此得到刺激。同樣的發展情形也在其他地區出現。很快的,全美各地的人民不管是在家裡、在學校裡,辦公室閱讀時都可以使用電燈,不必再用燭火或者是煤油燈了。新一代的電力科技也進入到美國家庭裡,包括電冰箱、火爐、收音機、電視機,以及開罐器等等。直到今日,人們已經很習慣使用電力了,實在不能想像沒有電力的日子是什麼模樣。
In 1933, the U.S. government established the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), which introduced hydroelectric power plants to the South's troubled Tennessee River Valley. The TVA built dams, managed flood control and soil conservation programs, and more. It greatly boosted the region's economy. And this development happened in other places as well. Soon, people across the country were enjoying electricity in homes, schools, and offices, reading by electric lamp instead of candlelight or kerosene. New electricity-powered technologies entered American homes, including electric refrigerators and stoves, radios, televisions, and can openers. Today, people take electricity for granted, not able to imagine life without it.
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