
當你看著急流澎湃的瀑布與河水時,你可能不會馬上聯想到電力。但是水力發電廠卻提供電力照亮了許多家庭與鄰近地區。在1882年9月30日,建在威斯康辛州愛波頓 (Appleton) 狐狸河 (Fox River) 上的世界第一座水力發電廠開始運作。這座電廠是由愛波頓造紙公司老闆羅潔斯 (H. F. Rogers) 在湯瑪斯‧愛迪生 (Thomas Edison) 的紐約發電站啟發下,出資建造的,後來這座電廠被取名為愛波頓愛迪生燈光公司 (Appleton Edison Light Company) 。
When you look at rushing waterfalls and rivers, you may not immediately think of electricity. But hydroelectric (water-powered) power plants are responsible for lighting many of our homes and neighborhoods. On September 30, 1882, the world's first hydroelectric power plant began operation on the Fox River in Appleton, Wisconsin. The plant, later named the Appleton Edison Light Company, was initiated by Appleton paper manufacturer H.F. Rogers, who had been inspired by Thomas Edison's plans for an electricity-producing station in New York.
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