西奧朵‧羅斯福 (Theodore
Roosevelt) 於1880年2月3日在他的日記裡這樣寫著
羅斯福的「甜蜜生活」就是愛麗斯‧海瑟威‧李 (Alice
Hathaway Lee) ,他們二人就在這篇2月3日的日記之後10個月後結婚了。令人難過的是,海瑟威四年之後就去世了,只留給羅斯福一個在1884年生下的小孩。幾個小時以前,羅斯福的母親瑪莎‧布洛區‧羅斯福 (Martha
Bulloch Roosevelt) 也在同一間房子去世了。
Roosevelt's "sweet life" was Alice Hathaway Lee, whom he married 10 months after his February 3 diary entry. Sadly, Alice Hathaway died four years later, after giving birth to the couple's first child in 1884. Only a few hours earlier, Roosevelt's mother, Martha Bulloch Roosevelt had died in the same house.
After the double funeral and the christening of his new baby daughter, Alice, on February 17, 1884, Roosevelt wrote, "For joy or for sorrow my life has now been lived out."
Yet, Theodore Roosevelt's life had only just begun.