北達科達 (North
Dakota) 與南達科達 (South
Dakota) 於1889年11月2日加入聯邦了
經過一段時間的武力抗爭,蘇族在1877年向美國投降,讓出黑山這片土地。到了1881年,連最強壯的酋長「坐著的公牛」 (Sitting Bull) 也投降了。因為這場「印第安危機」 (Indian Crisis) 的結束,以及北太平洋鐵道系統的完工,在1879年至1886年之間,大約有10萬名開墾者移居到這裡。這些新的公民後來卻因為首府的位置而分裂。於是北方居民在1883年時把俾斯麥市 (Bismarck) 設為首府,而南方居民則選擇皮爾 (Pierre) 做為他們的首府。國會並沒有施壓這些人民,相反的,國會通過法律,在宣佈達科達加入美國之前,正式將這片土地劃分為北達科達與南達科達兩個州。
After an armed resistance, the Sioux surrendered the Black Hills to the U.S. in 1877. By 1881, even the powerful chief Sitting Bull had surrendered. The end of the "Indian crisis" and the completion of the Northern Pacific Railway brought more than 100,000 settlers between 1879 and 1886. These new citizens became divided over the location of the capital. Northerners named Bismarck their capital in 1883, while Southerners created their own constitution that year, selecting Pierre as their capital. Congress did not push the matter. Instead, Congress passed a law that officially divided the territory before declaring both North Dakota and South Dakota states of the Union.
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