比爾‧「柏貞格」‧羅賓森 (Bill
「Bojangles」 Robinson) 於1878年5月25日出生
踢踏!踢踏!跳!踢踏!你有沒有跳過踢踏舞或者看過別人跳踢踏舞呢?你看過的部分舞步,可能是由傳奇性的踢踏舞者比爾‧柏貞格‧羅賓森所創造的呢。羅賓森於1878年5月25日出生在維吉尼亞州的李其蒙市 (Richmond) ,他把扁平足舞蹈進一步轉換成為用腳指頭跳舞的形式,而發明了一種新的踢踏舞步。許多羅賓森的舞步,包括最有名的「階梯舞」 (stair dance) ,現在有很多舞者都還在表演。你知道柏貞格先生是在哪裡學習這種自由的舞步嗎?
Tap, tap, shuffle, tap. Have you ever tap danced or watched others shuffle and tap? Some of those moves you've seen may have been created by legendary tap dancer Bill "Bojangles" Robinson. Born on May 25, 1878, in Richmond, Virginia, Robinson invented a new way to tap, transforming it from a flat-footed dance to a style that pushed the performer to his toes. Many of Robinson's steps, including the famous "stair dance," are commonly used today. Where did Mr. Bojangles get his feet moving?
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