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Jump Back in Time 殖民時期的美國  (1492-1763)
Map of the State of Rhode Island

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羅傑‧威廉斯 (Roger Williams),羅德島州 (Rhode Island)的創始人,1631年2月5日抵達波士頓


Many of Williams's parishioners did not agree with his idea to separate from the Church of England. He then became minister in Salem. There, his ideas also proved too radical. He went to Plymouth but again fell into disfavor. Williams insisted that land must be purchased from the Indians, rather than taken from them forcefully, in order to claim title to it. He again went to Salem and was eventually put on trial in 1635 for his views. His sentence was banishment. Williams then purchased land from the Narragansett Indians and established the settlement of Providence, Rhode Island.
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