你曾經聽過誰的演說極具煽動性、讓你聽完演講後,會有非去做某事不可的衝動?從少年時代,派屈克‧亨利在美國殖民地,就非常具有演說方面的個人魅力。他出生於1736年5月29日,是一個天生的領導者和耀眼的演說家,堅信人權以及要和英國政府爭取獨立。1763年,亨利還是個年輕律師,就以「人生來具有不可剝奪 (不能因宣告解除就無法行使) 之權利」的主張,振振有詞的辯護,震驚了法庭上所有觀眾,天賦人權進而成為獨立宣言的中心思想。獨立宣言中的這句話,你應該已經很熟悉:「許多事實在我們的內心顯而易見,人生而平等,人生而被賦予包括生存、自由,以及追求幸福等不可剝奪的權利。」
Have you ever heard someone speak so passionately that the speech moved you to do something? Even as a young man, Patrick Henry had that kind of influence in the American Colonies. Born on May 29, 1736, Henry, a natural leader and a brilliant speaker, believed in individual rights and independence from the British government. As a young lawyer, he astonished his courtroom audience in 1763 with an eloquent defense based on the idea of natural rights, the political theory that humans are born with certain inalienable (incapable of being surrendered) rights. The idea of natural rights is central to the Declaration of Independence. Does this sentence from the Declaration sound familiar to you? "We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
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