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Jump Back in Time 殖民時期的美國 (1492-1763)
Native American and frontier girl
這幅源自哈潑 (Harper) 雜誌內的插圖把如威廉斯等人的經驗理想化

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威廉斯牧師把他在加拿大的經驗寫成書,書名是「解放的俘虜回到天堂」,1707年付梓。在書裡,他提及了自己、家庭和其他教區居民的故事。雖然他四個孩子都跟著他回到鹿田,但他的女兒,歐耐絲威廉斯,卻留在加拿大,加入莫霍克族。她選了安諾特這個名字,意指〞她被帶來而且安置 (成為她族裡的一員) 〞。1713年年初,她嫁給美國本土的一個男人。1713年安妮皇后戰爭結束,一直到1754年法國和印第安的戰爭之前,英國和法國並未在美國的土地上再度交戰。鹿田的居民重新建立他們的家園,幸福愉快。

Reverend Williams memorialized his Canadian experience in a book, The Redeemed Captive Returning to Zion, first printed in 1707. In it, he tells his story and that of his family and parishioners. Although four of his children returned home with him, his daughter, Eunice Williams, remained in Canada, joining the Mohawk tribe. She took the name A'ongote, which means "She (was) taken and placed (as a member of their tribe)," and in early 1713, she married a Native American man. In 1713, Queen Anne's War ended. France and England did not do battle in America again until the French and Indian War of 1754. The people of Deerfield could rebuild their town and, for a while, rest easy.
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