小說家歐文‧魏斯特 (Owen
Wister) 於1860年7月14日出生了
你知道歐文‧魏斯特在「維吉尼亞人」 (Virginian) 這本1902年出版的小說中提到的是誰嗎?那當然是指美國牛仔。歐文‧魏斯特於1860年7月14日出生於費城。這本「維吉尼亞人」主要是在敘述一些有關美國牛仔的故事。不過,當美國牛仔的形象在電影與歌曲中越來越受歡迎的同時,真正的牛仔文化卻漸漸凋零。你有沒有想過牛仔真正的生活是怎樣的呢?
"Whatever he did, he did with his might. The bread that he earned was earned hard, the wages that he squandered were squandered hard . . . If he gave his word, he kept it."
Who was Owen Wister talking about when he wrote those words in his 1902 novel, The Virginian? The American cowboy, of course. Owen Wister was born in Philadelphia on July 14, 1860. The Virginian helped establish the myth of the American cowboy. However, as the image of the American cowboy became more popular in films and songs, real cowboy culture faded. What do you think the real life of a cowboy was like?
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