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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
World's Fair, 1893

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行動主義者瑪麗‧秋契‧泰瑞 (Mary Church Terrell) 於1863923日出生了

泰瑞發現黑人婦女團體在19世紀後期,一直都被排除在全國婦女組織之外。她們只能出席1893年世界博覽會,但是卻無法參與整個活動的規劃與設計。就因為這樣,泰瑞和一些黑人婦女領袖在1896年共同組成了「全國有色人種婦女協會」,這是一個支持全國各地黑人婦女團體的組織。泰瑞和這個協會共同為了消除對性別與種 族的歧視而努力。其中的一種方法,就是透過教育社會大眾來達到這個目的。此外,泰瑞對教育有著很大的熱情,所以她也不斷在四處演講、籌募興建幼稚園的經費。

Terrell found that black women's groups were routinely excluded from national women's organizations during the late 19th century. They weren't even allowed to participate in the planning of the 1893 World's Fair, but they could attend. Because of this, Terrell and other black women leaders formed the National Association of Colored Women (NACW) in 1896, an organization that would support black women's groups throughout the country. She and the NACW worked to end discrimination based on gender and race. One way was through educating the public. Passionate about education, Terrell sold her speeches to raise money for a kindergarten as well.
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