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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Richmond, Virginia Street in the burned district, 1865.

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格蘭特於186542日攻擊維吉尼亞州的彼得斯堡 (Petersburg)

傑佛遜‧大衛斯總統是在參加李其蒙市聖保羅教堂 (St. Paul Church) 的禮拜時得到彼得斯堡淪陷的消息。當天稍晚,他就棄守首都,搭上前往維吉尼亞丹威爾 (Danville) 的火車離開。整個城市不久後就遭到逃竄的南方聯盟士兵與囂張的搶劫者縱火,在他 走後遭到焚燬。大衛斯最終還是在1865510日遭到聯邦軍隊士兵逮捕,但是那已經是一個月之後的事了。你對內戰還有什麼瞭解呢?問問你的家人,看他們還知道些什麼。

President Jefferson Davis received word of the events in Petersburg while attending services at St. Paul's Church in Richmond. Late that night, he abandoned the capital, boarding a train for Danville, Virginia. The city burned behind him, as fires set by fleeing Confederates and looters raged out of control. Davis was eventually captured by Union soldiers, but not until a month later, on May 10, 1865. What more do you know about the Civil War? Ask your family what they know.
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