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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Artillery unit passing on Pennsylvania Avenue near the Treasury, 1865

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從傑佛遜開始,每一位美國總統在宣誓就職之後,都會沿著賓州大道遊行。此外,有七位在任內去世的美國總統的葬禮也都在這條歷史大道上進行。但是這條街道並不只是為了官方活動而設立的。一些默默無聞的百姓也曾沿著這條街道遊行與抗議。傑柯布‧寇克西 (Jacob Coxey) 在1890年代時,曾帶領5百位支持者沿著賓州大道遊行,要求聯邦政府對失業者提供援助。愛麗斯‧保羅 (Alice Paul) 在1913年時,也曾和一些爭取婦女投票權的同志在這條街道上遊行抗議。問問你的家人他們還知道賓州大道上曾經舉行過哪些遊行、抗議或活動呢?

Each U.S. president since Jefferson has paraded up Pennsylvania Avenue after taking the oath of office. The funeral processions of the seven presidents that died in office followed this historic route. But the avenue is not just the setting for official events. People who are not famous have paraded and protested down that road. Jacob Coxey led 500 supporters down Pennsylvania Avenue to demand federal aid for the unemployed in the 1890s. Alice Paul marched with the suffragists in 1913. And there was much more. Ask your family what parades, protests, and events they know of that were held on Pennsylvania Avenue.
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