

那什維爾之戰 (Battle
of Nashville) :聯邦軍隊於1864年12月16日突破南方聯盟的防線
在那什維爾成為現在的音樂之都前,在內戰期間,這裡曾經發生過死傷慘重的戰爭。在1864年12月16日的下午,當時正是嚴冬的時刻,聯邦軍隊在喬治‧湯瑪斯 (George
H. Thomas) 將軍的帶領下,突破南方聯盟在田納西州那什維爾的防線。湯碼斯在前一天就已經展開攻擊,也開始了這場戰爭。最後,經過兩個星期的等待,湯瑪斯終於在援軍趕到之下,配合暫時好轉的氣候,順利展開攻擊。為什麼會發生那什維爾之戰呢?
Long before Nashville became the music capital it is today, it was the scene of a devastating Civil War battle. On the afternoon of December 16, 1864, in the heart of a cold, icy winter, Union troops, led by General George H. Thomas, crushed Confederate forces at Nashville, Tennessee. The battle had begun the day before, when Thomas initiated an attack. Finally, after two weeks of waiting, he had received the troop reinforcements and favorable weather he needed to begin. Why did the Battle of Nashville take place?
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