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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Beauvoir, final home of Jefferson Davis

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傑佛遜‧大衛斯 (Jefferson Davis) 於1865510日被抓了

當大衛斯在1861年就職南方聯盟的總統時,他深信南方各州有權力決定退出聯邦,一直到他於1889年去世時,都還為這個理念而努力。他在密西西比州必洛克西 (Biloxi) 的波沃爾 (Beauvoir) 農場度過餘生。大衛斯從來沒有要求或希望他的行為能得到赦免。但是他曾在密西西比市的一場演講中提到:「過去已死,將屬於過去的屍體、希望、與抱負都一起埋葬吧!不要讓過去的一切磨損了你對於未來金色前景與國家榮耀的期望,也不要讓過去的失敗影響了你讓全世界驚豔的機會。」

When Davis was inaugurated president of the Confederate States of America in 1861, he believed in the right of Southern states to secede and defended his belief until his death in 1889. He spent his remaining years in Biloxi, Mississippi, at the Beauvoir plantation. Davis never asked for, nor was he granted, a pardon for his actions. However, in a speech at Mississippi City, Mississippi, he said: "The past is dead; let it bury its dead, its hopes and its aspirations. Before you lies the future, a future full of golden promise, a future of expanding national glory, before which all the world shall stand amazed."
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