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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Daniel Freeman, first homesteader

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公地放領法案 (Homestead Act) 於1862520日生效了

大多數的開墾者都是第一次自己照顧農地,他們住在陌生的地方,有很長一段時間無法與其他親友聯絡,他們都知道這個過程是相當艱苦的。許多人,例如圖中的丹尼爾‧費裡曼 (Daniel Freeman) ,必須遠離家鄉,在這片新土地上找尋自己的未來。有些拓荒者和家人一起前來。他們留下許多關於蝗蟲如何肆虐整片玉米田的故事。他們也告訴後人自己獨居的感覺,當地沒有學校也沒有社區聚會,因為人們居住的距離都太遙遠了。

The homesteaders knew it would be tough, farming the land for the first time, living in unfamiliar territory, often isolated from other people for long periods. Men such as Daniel Freedman, pictured here, perhaps the first homesteader, left family and community to try to win prosperity with their new land. Some settlers went with their families. They have left us stories about grasshoppers devouring entire crops of corn. They also told about their isolation, with no schools or social gatherings, as people lived too far apart.
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