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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)
Mobile Bay

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聯邦海軍於1864823日攻佔阿拉巴馬州的摩根堡 (Fort Morgan)

在接下來的幾個星期裡,聯邦海軍持續擊退或擄獲南方聯盟的軍艦,進一步強化在摩比灣的防守,並封鎖當地的海上交通 (軍艦在海灣附近巡邏,防止其他船艦通行) 。對聯邦政府來說,取得摩根堡的投降勝利是相當重要的,因為南方聯盟一直以來都是利用這個堡壘進行補給的運送。南方聯盟的收入有大部分都是來自運送棉製品到歐洲,南方軍隊所需要的火藥及基本物資也都是運到這裡發送。一旦失去摩比灣的堡壘,這些補給路線也就被切斷了。因為他的勇敢與固執,法拉格將軍和他的艦隊確保了聯邦政府在海上的勝利。

During the next weeks, the Union navy strengthened its hold on Mobile Bay by destroying or capturing the Southern ships and tightening the blockade (the ships surrounded the bay to prevent passage of other ships). The surrender of Fort Morgan was an important victory for the North. The South had used the fort to ship and receive supplies. A great deal of Confederate income came from shipping cotton and produce to Europe. Ammunition and basic supplies that the South needed were shipped there. Without the Fort in Mobile Bay, those supply routes were cut off. With his brave and stubborn cry Admiral Farragut and his fleet secured that naval victory for the Union.
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