聯邦海軍於1864年8月23日攻佔阿拉巴馬州的摩根堡 (Fort
「該死的魚雷!上吧!」聯邦軍隊少將大衛‧法拉格 (David
Farragut) 在內戰期間往阿拉巴馬州的摩根堡 (Fort
Morgan) 前進時,在戰鬥中大聲叫出了這句有名的話。在1864年8月23日,聯邦海軍佔領了這座堡壘,也破壞了南方聯盟對墨西哥灣之港口的獨霸優勢。聯邦政府的18艘軍艦在8月5日駛入河道裡。轟的一聲!一艘軍艦誤觸魚雷而爆炸。士兵們紛紛喊著:「前方有魚雷!」而領隊的將軍是否聽到了呢?
"Damn the Torpedoes! Go Ahead!" Union Admiral David Farragut shouted this famous line in a brave moment of the Civil War on his way to Fort Morgan, Alabama. On August 23, 1864, the Union navy captured the fort, breaking the Confederate dominance of the ports of the Gulf of Mexico. The Union fleet of 18 ships sailed into the channel on August 5. Boom! One of the ships hit a mine, at the time known as a "torpedo." "Torpedoes ahead!" came the warning. Did the Admiral listen?
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