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Jump Back in Time 內戰  (1860-1865)

A screen shot from 'Automobile Parade'


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汽車製造商亨利‧福特 (Henry Ford) 生於1863730

汽車永遠改變了美國社會的型態,也改變了我們居住的地方與生活的方式。當越來越多的美國人擁有車子、城市的結構與組織也跟著改變了。美國各地的郊區開始出現發展成長,而全國高速公路的系統網路也開始興建了。美國人渴望隨時都到各地去參觀遊覽。福特在一生中見證了許多這種改變。在他的晚年中,大部分的時間他都在綠野村 (Greenfield Village) 工作,這是一個根據他對第爾崩家鄉的幼時回憶所改建的鄉鎮。下一次你開著車時,試著想像一下沒有車的生活是什麼樣子。問問你的家人與朋友,看他們覺得沒有車的世界會有什麼不同。

The automobile altered American society forever, changing where and how we lived. As more Americans owned cars, the organization of cities changed. The United States saw the growth of the suburbs and the creation of a national highway system. Americans were thrilled with the possibility of going anywhere, anytime. Ford witnessed many of these changes during his lifetime. In his later years, he spent most of his time working on Greenfield Village, a restored rural town modeled after his memories of Dearborn during his youth. Next time you are out on the road, try to imagine life without cars. Ask your family and friends how different they think the world would be.

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VIDEO CREDIT: Thomas A. Edison, Inc. "Automobile Parade." 1900. Early Motion Pictures, 1897-1920, Library of Congress.