
Salt Lake Valley)並在此建立殖民地,猶他州的歷史也就此展開。猶他州的州名源自於猶他人,一個在拓荒者抵達前,就住在此處的印地安部落。1869年,在普羅蒙特裡釘入金色道釘,完成了第一條橫貫大陸鐵路,也讓更多的移民湧入猶太州。猶他州在1896年加入聯邦,成為美國第45州。猶他州的首府鹽湖城(Salt
Lake City)也是耶穌基督後期聖徒教會的全球總部,而境內70%的居民都是摩門教徒;「蜂窩之州」(Beehive
The state known as Utah began when Brigham Young led a group of Mormon pilgrims seeking freedom from religious persecution into the Great Salt Lake Valley, where they established a settlement in 1847. The state gets its name from the Ute, an Indian tribe who lived there before the pioneers arrived. The golden spike completing the first transcontinental railroad line was driven at Promontory, Utah, in 1869, leading to a further influx of settlers. Utah was admitted as the 45th state in 1896. The capital, Salt Lake City, is also the world headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, and Mormons make up 70 percent of the population. The sego lily is the state flower of the "Beehive State."
