
South of the River Ohio)。田納西一字源自於卻洛奇族(Cherokee)的村落Tanasi。現在,田納西的首府是被稱做鄉村音樂中心的那什維爾(Nashville),而曼菲斯(Memphis)則是田納西的第一大城,這兒也是貓王(Elvis
Called the "Volunteer State," Tennessee became the 16th state of the Union in 1796. It was the first territory admitted as a state under the federal Constitution. Before statehood, it was known as the Territory South of the River Ohio. The name Tennessee is derived from the name of a Cherokee village, Tanasi. Today, the capital, Nashville, is known as a center for country music. Memphis, the largest city in the state, is the place where Elvis Presley first began his legendary musical career. The state flower is the iris.
