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Explore the States 羅德島州
Photo of five young girls in Colonial costumes

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知名的波士頓茶黨案發生在17731216日,它是美國殖民地居民對英國統治的最初反抗。但實際上,它發生在另一件事件之後,某些人將這個事件稱作「第一次真正的自由反撲」(first real blow for freedom),您聽過這個事件嗎?

這個事件發生於17726月,羅德島州的納拉甘西特灣,當時的美國殖民地居民燒燬了英國的船艦HMS葛斯比號。美國人已經對英王喬治三世(King George III)的不公感到厭倦,他對每樣東西都徵稅,小至玻璃、郵票,大至茶葉。英王喬治派遣葛斯比號到納拉甘西特灣,執行他的命令及防範走私事件。

HMS葛斯比號由陸軍中尉達汀斯頓(William Dudingston)負責統領,他要求其他的船隻降半旗,以做為尊敬他的船艦的表示。因而,達汀斯頓相當不受人歡迎。當美國船艦漢娜號(Hannah)拒絕降旗,葛斯比號就開始追逐它,而漢娜號的船長就故意將葛斯比號帶到淺水區,讓這艘英國船艦擱淺在一個沙洲上,無法移動。當天晚上,64位羅德島居民划船至葛斯比號附近,登上船艦,俘虜所有的水手並槍殺了達汀斯頓,最後還放火燒了這艘船。


The Boston Tea Party, which took place on December 16, 1773, is the best known of the early protests by U.S. Colonists against British rule. But it actually followed another conflict that some people refer to as the "first real blow for freedom." Have you heard of it?

The incident occurred in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, in June 1772, when American Colonists burned the British ship HMS Gaspee. The Americans were tired of the unfairness of King George III, who placed taxes on everything from glass to stamps to tea. King George had sent the Gaspee to Naragansett Bay to enforce his orders and prevent smuggling.

The HMS Gaspee. was under the command of Lieutenant William Dudingston, who required that all other ships lower their flags as a sign of respect to his ship. As a result, Dudingston was not well liked. When the American vessel Hannah refused to lower its flag, the Gaspee chased it and the captain of the Hannah deliberately lured the Gaspee across shallow waters and left the British ship stranded on a sandbar, unable to move. Late that night, 64 Rhode Islanders rowed out to the Gaspee, boarded the ship, took the crew prisoners, shot Dudingston, and set the vessel on fire.

The citizens of Warwick, Rhode Island, celebrate this event every June. The events include a ball, a children's Colonial costume contest (like the one the girls in the photo are wearing), Colonial dinners, and a staging, or re-enactment, of the event.

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