
福克斯 (Jimmie
Fox) 、安格 (Darol
Anger) 及艾伯格 (Philip
Aaberg) 正在進行排演,

美逖斯人是歐洲毛皮商人和居住在美國及加拿大平原上的印地安女人的後裔。美逖斯音樂在述說故事,而且人們可用它來伴舞。美逖斯音樂的主要演奏樂器是小提琴,其他樂器還包括口琴、手鼓、嘴豎琴 (口琴) 和手指工具,如:骨頭或湯匙。
(When They Awake),源自於一位美逖斯人的老師、作家、領袖和英雄的加拿大人路易士(Louis
Rock and roll, hip-hop, jazz and Metis. You know about the first three styles of music, but have you ever heard of Metis music? All these styles have something in common -- they are influenced by other types of music. Metis music comes from a mixture of two cultures -- Native American rhythms and European tunes.
The Metis people are the descendants of European fur traders and Indian women who lived on the Plains in both the United States and Canada. Metis music tells a story. And people can dance to it. The fiddle is the major instrument used in Metis music. Other instruments include the harmonica, the hand drum, the mouth harp (harmonica), and finger instruments such as bones or spoons.
In Helena, Montana, a musical project explores the importance of Metis fiddle music. "When They Awake" is the name of the project, and it is based on a prediction by Canadian Louis Riel, a teacher, writer, leader and hero to the Metis people, who said, "My people will sleep for 100 years, but when they awake, it will be the artists who give them their spirit back." It's possible that some of the artists he was thinking of were musicians.
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