
利比區的伐木工保羅伯朗 (Paul
Brown) 參加投擲斧頭競賽,

是什麼使得你的城鎮不同於其他城鎮?1999年夏季,來自利比高中 (Libby
High School) 的一群青少年組成了一個小組告訴全世界蒙大拿利比鎮獨一無二的原因。有一些學生對歷史有興趣,而一些則對攝影感興趣,但是每一位學生都用自己的角度記錄了他或她在利比的生活。學校內的幾位老師和他們的學生一起完成了這項計畫。
學生的計劃內涵蓋 了一些地方性節慶,如:七月上旬連續四日的伐木工日 (Logger
Days) ,以及為期三天,旨在頌揚該鎮瑞典傳統的北歐祭(Nordicfest) 。伐木工日用美食、遊行和手工藝 品來慶祝利立鎮之歷史悠久的木材業 。 慶典的重頭戲在於伐木競賽,如:伐木工接力賽 (Lumberjack
Relay) 、鋸木頭賽和丟斧頭賽。
北歐祭是用來紀念利璧在1900年代早期的生活,當時的伐木工廠才新建完成,而斯堪的納維亞的伐本工人從明尼蘇達州到此地工作。 這項節慶始於1985年, 特色為工藝品和拼布的展示、遊行、 弗特馬 (Fiord
horse,挪威種) 馬術表演、 美食,如瑞典肉丸和炸肉丸串 (Vikings
on a stick ) 等。
What makes your city or town like no other? During the summer of 1999, a group of teenagers from Libby High School formed a team to tell the world why Libby, Montana, is unique. Some of the students were interested in photography and some in history, but each student documented his or her own view of life in Libby. Several teachers at the high school worked with their students on the project.
The students covered several local events in their project, including Logger Days, a four-day festival held in early July, and Nordicfest, an annual three-day event celebrating the town's Swedish heritage. Logger Days celebrate Libby's historic timber industry with food, parades, and crafts. Highlights of the celebration include logging competitions such as a "Lumberjack Relay" race and sawing and ax-throwing events.
Nordicfest remembers the early 1900s in Libby, when a lumber mill was established and Scandinavian loggers came from Minnesota. The celebration, which started in 1985, features craft and quilt shows, a parade and Fjord horse show and food like Swedish meatballs and "Vikings on a stick."
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