
蒙大拿迪克郡(Dixon)的牛仔霍華摩斯 (Howard
Moss) ,1999年7月

耕作及牧場的歷史:聖伊格內修斯高中 (St.
Ignatius High School) 的地方文化研究
蒙大拿的任務山谷 (Mission
Valley) 有個問題,它的農夫正在流失中。任務山谷仍繼續經營著牛奶及乳製品農場、馬鈴薯和穀物耕作、牧牛、牧馬及豬隻飼養,但是短少100到1,000英畝的農場和牧場。大的農場被區分成10-到40-英畝的小型牧場 (ranchettes) ,以出售給來自附近州的城市人。他們希望藉此逃離城市生活的吵噪和交通,但卻沒有地方傳統的根基。長時間的當地農夫和牧場經營者擔心這些新手將會使保存當地原有文化及傳統的任務更為艱鉅。
來自聖伊格內修斯高中的五位學生決定幫助農夫。學生們收集與任務山谷的文化、牧場、農場有關故事、歷史文件、藝術和地質資訊。他們也記錄了「口述歷史」 (oral
histories) --
There is a problem in Mission Valley, Montana. It's losing its farmers. Dairy farming, potato and grain farming, cattle ranching, horse ranching and hog raising are still occurring in Mission Valley, but there are fewer farms and ranches of 100 to 1,000 acres. The big farms are being divided into smaller 10- to 40-acre "ranchettes" that are being sold to people from cities of nearby states. They come to escape the noise and traffic of city life but have no roots in the local traditions. The longtime local farmers and ranchers are worried that the newcomers will make it more difficult to preserve the area's native culture and traditions.
Five students from St. Ignatius High School helped the farmers. The students collected stories, historical documents, art and geological information about the farms, ranches and culture of Mission Valley. They also recorded "oral histories" -- stories told by the citizens. The students' teacher used the materials they had collected in history class. Teachers refer to materials such as these as "primary sources," because they tell a story you won't find in a book. Not only have the students learned about their local heritage, but also the farmers and ranchers have found a way to pass on the traditions that are important to them.
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