Perfect Storm),那麼您就知道它對以捕魚為生的人來說,有多麼的危險。這也就是為什麼當密西西比州比洛克西市的捕蝦季開始時,聖米歇爾天主教堂的神父每年都會為捕蝦船祈福。當萬年青花圈掉入水中的那一刻,節慶就正式展開,而這些花圈是為了弔念那些喪生在海中的漁民。然後,由30多艘色彩鮮豔的捕蝦船所組成的長隊伍,會行經一艘已下錨的「祈福船」(Blessing
If you saw the movie "The Perfect Storm," then you know how dangerous it can be to fish for a living. That's why every year at the beginning of the shrimp fishing season in Biloxi, Mississippi, a priest from St. Michael's Catholic Church blesses the shrimp boats. The ceremony begins with the dropping of an evergreen wreath into the water in remembrance of fishermen who have been lost at sea. Then a colorful procession of more than 30 shrimp boats files past the anchored "Blessing Boat," where the priest stands, sprinkling holy water on each of the boats and blessing each one, asking for a safe and successful fishing season.
Blessing of ships is an old custom that started in Europe and was brought to America. Every time a boat is taken out into the water there are potential dangers -- turning over (capsizing), springing a leak, getting lost, or sailors falling overboard. There is also the uncertainty of whether or not enough seafood will be caught to make the trip profitable. The custom of blessing the shrimp boats started in Biloxi in 1929 and will probably continue for a long time.
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