
of 10,000 Lakes)的明尼蘇達州,因其境內擁有12,000多座湖泊,故獲得此一綽號。「明尼蘇達」一字源於達科塔印地安語(Dakota:蘇族Sioux印地安人),原是用來指稱明尼蘇達河,意即「映著天空雲彩的水」(sky-tinted
The "Land of 10,000 Lakes," Minnesota got its nickname because there are more than 12,000 lakes throughout the state. Its name comes from the Dakota (Sioux) word for the Minnesota River's "sky-tinted waters." The Minnesota Territory was formed in 1849 from what had been part of the Northwest Territory, and Minnesota joined the Union in 1858. The state flower is the pink and white lady's slipper, and the capital is St. Paul.
