
Colony State)的麻州是新英格蘭(New
Bay Colony),這些清教徒以一個當地印地安部落的名稱為自己的殖民地命名,意即「大型山坡地」(a
large hill place)。麻州吸引相信自治政府體制的人們前來,是美國革命的許多理想的誕生地,。因而別名匍匐漿果鵑的五月花是再相稱不過的州花。
One of the six New England states, and one of the first 13 states in the Union (it entered in 1788), Massachusetts is known as the "Old Colony State." The Pilgrims established their settlement at Plymouth in 1620, arriving on the Mayflower. They were followed shortly by the Puritans, who established the Massachusetts Bay Colony. The Puritans named their colony after a local Indian tribe whose name means "a large hill place." The birthplace of many of the ideals of the American Revolution, Massachusetts attracted people who believed in self-government. It's appropriate that the state flower is the mayflower, also known as the trailing arbutus.
