
of tomorrow)。肯塔基州於1792年加入聯邦,成為美國第15州,是第一個位於阿帕拉契山脈西部的州。現在,只要提起肯塔基州,人們就會聯想到煤礦、由馬耕耘的農田及賽事;美國境內最著名的年度賽馬:肯塔基大賽馬(Kentucky
Daniel Boone and other frontiersmen settled in Kentucky, the "Bluegrass State," in 1769. Its name comes from the Iroquois Indian word "Ken-tah-ten," or "land of tomorrow." Admitted into the Union in 1792, Kentucky is the 15th state and the first state west of the Appalachian Mountains. Today, Kentucky is associated with coal mines and horse farms and racing. America's most prestigious horse race, the Kentucky Derby, is held in Louisville annually. The state flower is the goldenrod, the cardinal is the state bird and Frankfort is the capital.
