
of the Indians)之意。它於1816年加入聯邦,成為美國第19州。現今的印地安納州是一個由許多小鎮及中小型城市組成的州。印地安納波裡(Indianapolis)是該州境內的第一大城市,也是印地安納州的首府,另外,它也是著名的國內年度賽車比賽「印地安納波裡500」的舉辦場地。住在印地安納州的居民普遍被稱為「山地人」(Hoosier),雖然沒有人確知這個稱號源起何處。牡丹是印地安納州的州花。
Indiana means "land of the Indians." It joined the Union in 1816 as the 19th state. Today, Indiana is a state of mostly small towns and midsize cities. Its largest city and capital is Indianapolis, where the nation's most famous auto race, the Indianapolis 500, is held each year. The state's residents are commonly referred to as "Hoosiers" although no one seems certain just how the name originated. The peony is the state flower.
