Pieter Scholte),出生於1805年荷蘭的阿姆斯丹。他是一位神職人員,於1840年代晚期,為追尋宗教自由,與他的妻子、三個女兒及800位追隨者一起移民來美,在此建立他們的「避難城市」(City
of Refuge)。他們遷徙至鄉村地區,因情況所需,商岱成為一位全才人員。他規劃該鎮的發展計畫、為街道取名並建立一座臨時教堂。他負責所有的法律事務、興建石灰及磚塊窯子及一間鋸木廠、開辦銀行、創辦報紙並身任驛站長及土地代理商,對一位本來就很忙的牧師來說,這些是負荷量很大的額外工作!如您所見,鬱金香只是商岱及其跟隨者,帶來培拉鎮的一部分荷蘭文化。
Many of the people who founded Iowa were from the Netherlands. Can you think of something the Netherlands is famous for that people might have brought with them? Hint: it's a type of flower.
If you answered "tulips," you would be right. You'd also be right to guess that Iowa still loves this springtime flower. So much so that the state holds a three-day Tulip Festival in the city of Pella to remember the sacrifices of the town's Dutch founding fathers.
Hendrik Pieter Scholte, born in 1805 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, was the founder of Pella. Scholte was a minister who immigrated with his wife, three daughters and a following of 800 people to build their "City of Refuge" in America in the late 1840s. They came to seek religious freedom. They moved to a rural area and by necessity Scholte became a jack-of-all-trades. He laid out a plan for the town, chose names for the streets, and built a "make-do" church. He took care of legal affairs, started a lime and brick kiln and a sawmill, opened a bank, established a newspaper, and became the postmaster and the land agent. That's a lot of extra work for an already busy preacher! As you can tell, tulips were just one part of Dutch culture that Scholte and his followers brought with them to Pella.
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