
Canyon State)的亞利桑那於1912年加入聯邦,成為美國第48州。它是美國本土48個州中,最後加入聯邦的一州。本州的名字來自於arizonac,兩個帕帕戈(Papago)印地安語,意即「早春之地」(place
of the young spring)。亞利桑那州的氣候非常乾燥,素以境內的仙人掌植物聞名。事實上,本州的州花就是仙人掌花。
The "Grand Canyon State," Arizona, was the 48th state to join the U.S. in 1912-- the last of 48 contiguous (connected) states to join the Union. The state's name comes from arizonac, from two Papago Indian words meaning "place of the young spring." Arizona has a very dry climate and is known for its cactus plants. In fact, the state flower is the saguaro cactus blossom.
