gu nin yu」,這句話的字面意思就是「謝謝您,您來這裡」;他們來自阿拉斯加的內陸地區,居住範圍北起費爾班克斯,南至阿拉斯加中南部,鄰近安克拉治市。Yup'ik及Cup'ik來自阿拉斯加西南部,和Athabascan一樣,都是遊牧民族;他們會四處旅行,而不會定居在某個
ei haat yigoodee」向您打招呼,意為「真高興您來這裡」。想想看,您知道多少種表達「歡迎」的話,它們的意思是不是都有些許不同呢?
How many ways can you think of to say "Welcome"? In Alaska there are at least 11different ways! That's because there are 11 distinct cultural groups of Native Indians who live in Alaska and have their own languages, customs, and hunting and fishing practices.
The Athabascans say "Chin'an gu nin yu," which literally means, "Thank you, you came here." They come from the interior of Alaska, from Fairbanks to south central Alaska near Anchorage. The Yup'ik and Cup'ik come from southwest Alaska, and they, as well as the Athabascans, were a nomadic people. They traveled from place to place rather than settling in one area. When the Yup'ic welcome you they might say "Waqaa" or "Quyakamsi."
The Eyak, Tlingit, Haida and Tsimshian live in south central Alaska and the southeast Panhandle of the state. They depend upon the ocean and rivers for their food and means of travel. Although they have similar cultures, their languages are different. If you go to Saxman Village in Ketchikan, you might be greeted with "Yak' ei haat yigoodee," which means, "It is good that you have come." Think of how many ways you know to say "Welcome." Do they have slightly different meanings?