位於日本東京 (Tokyo) 、構思於1915年的帝國飯店 (Imperial
Hotel) 是萊特為最雄偉、優美的企劃之一。但直到1920年代早期,萊特總是不引人注目的工作著,意即只有少數人知道他或他的作品。他一直把時間花在設計沒人要求他去設計的建築物上,這些設計大部分都從未興建。日本的一場大自然運動幫助萊特復甦他的職業;猜猜看,這大自然運動是什麼?
The Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, Japan, designed in 1915, was one of Wright's grandest, most elegant projects. But by the early 1920s, Wright was working in obscurity, that is, few people knew of him or his work. He had spent much of his time designing buildings that no one had asked him to design. Many of these designs were never built. An act of nature in Japan helped revive Wright's career. Can you guess what it was?
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