
Hilla Rebay)及所羅門古根漢(Solomon
R. Guggenheim)

到了1940年後,法蘭克洛伊萊特已經成為世界知名的建築師。1940年時,紐約市的現代藝術博物館 (The
Museum of Modern Art) 舉辦了一場展示萊特作品的展覽會。紐約市內有一間由萊特設計的「古根漢博物館」 (Guggenheim
Museum) ,它是為了收藏抽像藝術作品而建。興建工程始於1956年,並於萊特死後不久的1959年開幕。然而,並不是每個人都喜歡那棟博物館的設計,您知道為什麼嗎?
Frank Lloyd Wright was world famous by the 1940s. The Museum of Modern Art in New York City devoted an exhibition to his work in 1940. Wright designed a museum called the Guggenheim Museum in New York City. It was built to house a collection of abstract art. Construction began in 1956 and the building opened in 1959, shortly after Wright died. Not everyone liked the design. Do you know why?
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