Mill Run
名為「落水山莊」 (Fallingwater) 的住家。組成住宅的長形剖面是建於一條奔流不息的溪流及瀑布上方。這棟房子完成至今已逾60年,但仍然充滿現代感。您曾看過任何一棟法蘭克洛伊萊特建築嗎?他的建築風格有沒有影響您家附近的任何一棟建築物或住宅呢?
Perhaps Wright's most striking and successful attempt to combine structure and nature is Fallingwater, a home in Mill Run, Pennsylvania. The rectangular sections that make up the house are built over a running stream and waterfall. More than 60 years after the building was completed, it still appears modern. Have you ever seen a Frank Lloyd Wright building? Can you see his influence in any of the houses or buildings in your neighborhood?
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