法蘭克洛伊萊特的著名建築多為住宅。萊特想要使用價錢低廉的建材來興建便宜的住宅。在1920年代,他開始構思一種新式系統,其使用水泥塊來建造大家負擔的起的住家。他稱呼這些組合零件為「紡織積木」 (textile
blocks) ,有點類似是樂高積木這種概念。有好幾棟紡織積木住宅於1920年代早期在洛杉磯興建完工,其中一棟就是為加州巴莎迪那市 (Pasadena) 的
Alice Millard
Many of Frank Lloyd Wright's most famous buildings are houses. Wright wanted to design houses that could be built cheaply using inexpensive materials. In the 1920s, he began to design a new system to build affordable homes using concrete blocks. He called these modular parts "textile blocks." They were somewhat similar to the idea of Lego blocks. Several of his textile block houses were constructed in the Los Angeles area in the early 1920s. Among these is La Miniatura, built for Alice Millard in Pasadena, California.
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