詩詞與音樂可以結合在一起(就像您聆聽的現代歌曲)。但藍斯頓休斯將其創作羽翼更向外伸展。他熱愛舞台劇及戲劇並在紐約及洛杉磯成立劇場公司。1930年時,休斯與赫斯頓 (Zora
Neale Hurston) 一起編寫了他的第一本劇本「Mule
Music and poetry worked together -- just like they do today in songs you listen to. But Langston Hughes spread his creative wings even further. He loved drama and plays, and founded theater companies in both New York and Los Angeles. Hughes wrote his first play, Mule Bone, with Zora Neale Hurston in 1930 and kept writing for the stage the rest of his life. In order to make his plays sound realistic, Hughes mixed the lyrical nature of his poetry with the sounds of people in conversation. In 1957 he wrote a play called Simply Heavenly, which played on Broadway (in New York City) and in London.
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