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Meet Amazing Americans 科學家與發明家 湯瑪斯阿爾發愛迪生(Thomas Alva Edison)

愛迪生1919年的 "Let us not forget--a message to the American people" 

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許多愛迪生建議的留聲機應用方法已經成真,但還有其他許多他想像不到的用法,如:留聲機讓士兵們可以帶著音樂參戰。1917年,美國加入第一次世界大戰,愛迪生公司為美軍創造了一種特製的留聲機 型。這個機器的售價為$60,許多部隊都會購買這款留聲機,因為對士兵來說,藉由聆聽音樂來振奮他們的精神及遙念遠方的家人是任何事都無法比擬的 。這段聲音剪輯來自於愛迪生他本人,在這段錄音中,愛迪生表示他對將士深感驕傲並提醒美國人要記得其他同盟國對此次戰事所做出的巨大犧牲與貢獻。

Many of the uses Edison suggested for the phonograph have become a reality, but there were others he hadn't imagined. For example, the phonograph allowed soldiers to take music off to war with them. In 1917, when the U.S. became involved in World War I, the Edison Company created a special model of the phonograph for the U.S. Army. This basic machine sold for $60. Many Army units purchased these phonographs because it meant a lot to the soldiers to have music to cheer them and remind them of home. This is an audio clip of Edison himself in which he expresses his pride in the soldiers and reminds Americans of the enormous sacrifice and contribution made by the other allied nations.

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出處: Edison, Thomas A. Let us not forget--a message to the American people." 1919. Inventing Entertainment: The Motion Pictures and Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies, Library of Congress.